24/7 Phone Answering A.I. For Your Car Wash

You'll never need to worry about answering your phone again!

Try It Out For Yourself

A Few Of The Car Washes That Love HelloWash

How HelloWash Will Save you Time and Money

As a car wash operator, you're no stranger to the flood of calls from customers. We get it—it's a lot. That's where we step in, ensuring every call is handled and every phone task is taken care of.

You'll never miss a
phone call again

Car Wash locations still get a lot of phone calls and most of them go un-answered. Answering the phone shows that you care.

One less employee
you'll need to rely on

It's very hard to find people to do the important stuff, let alone answer the phone. Use us to answer every call!

One less employee you'll
need to pay

Manning the phones can be expensive, imagine paying someone just to answer the phone when they can be doing a million other more important tasks.

No missed calls = no lost revenue

When you don't answer your phone, that leads to lost revenue because they will call somewhere else!

Get Started In 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

Book a discovery call with our team

Step 2

We set up your A.I. phone assistant

Step 3

A.I. takes all calls for your car wash.

Customer Testimonials

"All of our calls are answered and customers are happy"

"HelloWash has been instrumental to our operations. We get a lot of calls and the majority went un-answered. Now all of our calls are answered and customers are happy."

Tom De-Paul

Captain Car Wash

" I didn't have to lift a Finger to get up and running."

"Working with Hello Wash has been easy. From the first day I didn't have to lift a finger to get their system up and running. Now I get automated emails when customers need me and I can get back to them at my own pace while customers are happy they get a phone response right away"

Jeff Bell

Quickie Car Wash

By The Numbers!

Labor Hours Saved
Of Calls Answered
Calls Answered
Dollars Saved

Our approach


24/7 AI Answering

Provides round-the-clock assistance to answer common queries, ensuring that customers can get help even outside of regular business hours


Interacts Like A Human

our AI allows customers to speak naturally, as they would to a human, and the AI can understand and respond appropriately without requiring specific keywords or phrases.


Task Completion

Our AI can take messages, send texts, set appointments, and much more...


Easy Set-Up

Our set-up is easy and implementation is painless

Ready To Get Started?

Book your discovery call today and let us show you how HelloWash can transform your business